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15 juin 2011

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MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 15, 2011 7:49 am    Sujet du message: 15 juin 2011 Répondre en citant

Le Ballet des Papes, par Raphaël de Gubernatis (Le Nouvel Observateur)

Oui ! Il existe un Ballet de l’Opéra d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. Seulement, presque personne ne le sait, sinon les spectateurs avignonnais ou ceux des Chorégies d’Orange. Cette compagnie de ballet composée de 14 danseurs classiques de bon niveau est malheureusement sous-exploitée. Et rien, ou si peu, n’est fait pour lui attribuer la place qu’elle pourrait revendiquer. La troupe est la plupart du temps destinée à assurer les divertissements dansés des ouvrages lyriques et ce n’est pas là un terrain propre à l’épanouissement des danseurs réduits au rang d’éléments décoratifs pour mises en scène d’opéra de province...

Le songe d'une nuit d'été, le ballet, par Claude Lepiouff (France 3)

L'Opéra du Rhin propose un spectacle pour le jeune public où les danseurs se font aussi acteurs muets et chanteurs. C'est le dernier spectacle de la saison pour le ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin. "Le songe d'une nuit d'été" chorégraphié par Mathieu Guilhaumon, lui-même danseur de la compagnie est une comédie transposée dans un univers de cabaret des années 30.

Royal Ballet Names New Artistic Director, par Roslyn Sulcas (The New York Times)

The speculation has been incessant, but on Tuesday morning the Royal Ballet in London put an end to the chatter about who will take over once its current artistic director, Monica Mason, steps down in July next year. It will be Kevin O’Hare, a former principal dancer with the Birmingham Royal Ballet who has been steadily making his way up the Royal Ballet’s hierarchy since his retirement from the stage in 2000. He joined as company manager in 2004 and became administrative director in 2009. The choice of Mr. O’Hare, 46, is in some ways surprising. His name wasn’t one bandied about with those seen as major contenders for the position, including the more high-profile choreographers Wayne McGregor (the Royal’s resident choreographer) and the British-born, Royal Ballet-trained Christopher Wheeldon and the former principal dancer Bruce Sansom. Longer shots were the current principals Johan Kobborg and Tamara Rojo...

Next Royal Ballet chief is smiling insider Kevin O'Hare, par Ismene Brown (The Arts desk)

There were apparently unanimous whoops of joy inside the Royal Ballet this morning, even as brows were wrinkling perplexedly outside, when it was announced that the likeable No.2, administrative director Kevin O’Hare, will succeed director Dame Monica Mason next year. The smiling insider is to head a team involving two of the world’s leading choreographers, Christopher Wheeldon and Wayne McGregor, which holds out the promise of a gold-plated twin-track creative approach uniting both classical and modern. With imminent budget cuts looming, this might be more of a gilt-plated reality, but still If the personalities gel and Wheeldon and McGregor create several new works for London the Royal Ballet will be the envy of the world...

Dance Camera West, at the intersection of choreography and film, par Victoria Looseleaf (The Los Angeles Times)

Fans of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui will want to pay attention to "Sutra," one of three long-form documentaries closing the festival (all West Coast premieres), as the Flemish Moroccan's choreography, inspired by Shaolin monks, is vividly captured on film by director Deborah May. Fabrice Herrault will also be on hand to discuss his film, "Claude Bessy —Lignes d'une Vie: Traces of a Life," in the film that looks at the legendary rising star of the Paris Opera Ballet during World War II...

From a Season Aloft, High Hopes Linger, par Alastair Macaulay (The New York Times)

Have certain Balanchine steps and certain Balanchine roles ever been better danced than they were in the six-week season by New York City Ballet that ended on Sunday? The question makes the mind fly like an arrow to the tall, naturally grand, pale-blond Teresa Reichlen, the most compellingly unknowable and pure dancer that company has had since the departure of Kyra Nichols four years ago. The thunderous gargouillades (sideways jumps with each foot writing a ring in the air) in which Choleric explodes in “The Four Temperaments”: when were those so powerful? The slyly imperious, high-kicking soloist of “Rubies”: has this role ever been more impressive? Not in my 32 years of watching these Balanchine ballets. In “Vienna Waltzes” Ms. Reichlen is blushingly demure; in Peter Martins’s “Thou Swell” she’s authoritatively glamorous, and adult; and as Calliope in Balanchine’s “Apollo” she’s the devout embodiment of creative endeavor...

Tamara Rojo, Carlos Acosta to Stage Romeo and Juliet at London’s O2 Arena (Radio Cadena Agramonte - Cuba)

Cuban dancer Carlos Acosta and Spanish Tamara Rojo, both of the Royal Ballet of London, will perform “Romeo and Juliet” on June 17-19 at the O2 stadium in London. In statements to BBC, Acosta said that although the stadium is not the ideal place to stage a ballet -the arena has a capacity for 12,000 people-, it is important to the dance company because it can reach a bigger audience. According to Acosta there are new audiences to educate as to what the ballet is, and how wonderful it is, and stressed that this will be the right moment to do that. “The company is looking good, casting is strong and the excitement is going to be there," Acosta told BBC...

Cuban National Ballet on Tour around Brazil in July (Radio Cadena Agramonte - Cuba)

Havana, Cuba, Jun 14.- The Cuban National Ballet (BNC) will travel in July to Brazil for the premiere outside of the Caribbean nation of “La leyenda del agua grande”, a piece on a Guarani story about the origin of the Iguazu falls. Sources of the BNC told ACN that it will be the first occasion in which the Cuban company takes a version of a non-classic piece to the international stage. Under the direction of prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso, the company will offer two performances in Brasilia, three in Salvador de Bahia, and five in Sao Paulo...

Cuban National Ballet on Tour around Brazil in July (Radio Cadena Agramonte - Cuba)

Havana, Cuba, Jun 14.- The Cuban National Ballet (BNC) will travel in July to Brazil for the premiere outside of the Caribbean nation of “La leyenda del agua grande”, a piece on a Guarani story about the origin of the Iguazu falls. Sources of the BNC told ACN that it will be the first occasion in which the Cuban company takes a version of a non-classic piece to the international stage. Under the direction of prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso, the company will offer two performances in Brasilia, three in Salvador de Bahia, and five in Sao Paulo...

Константин Тачкин построит в Петербурге площадку для репетиций театра / Irina Kolesnikova dansera plus souvent à Saint-Pétersbourg (Агентство Бизнес Новостей AB News - Cuba)

Театр Балета Константина Тачкина планирует построить или купить помещение в Петербурге под репетиционную базу. Об этом на пресс-конференции журналистам сообщил руководитель театра Константин Тачкин. «Нам не нужен свой театр. Я понимаю, что он превратится в прокатную площадку. Мы планируем построить или купить здание для современной репетиционной базы в Петербурге. Средства на это у нас будут», - сказал он. Тачкин отметил, что его компания, созданная в 1994 году, единственная в мире, которая существует и работает без финансовой поддержки государства и спонсоров. Руководитель театра рассказал, что 2007 год стал для компании очень сложным периодом. «От нас отказались все иностранные импресарио. У нас не было работы, пострадал наш творческий потенциал. И в 2010 году во Франции мы создали свою компанию, которая занимается организацией всех наших зарубежных гастролей. Теперь мы все делаем сами: заключаем договоры с промоуторами, организуем гастроли, продаем билеты», - сказал К.Тачкин. По его словам, на сегодняшний день на предстоящий зарубежный сезон театра уже продана 41 тысяча билетов. / Le Théâtre Alexandrinsky de Saint-Pétersbourg accueilera, du 18 au 25 juin la danseuse étoile de la troupe de Konstantin Tachkine, Irina Kolesnikova. Konstantin Tackine, qui est également le propriétaire du Théâtre, a déclaré au correspondant d'AB News que public de Saint-Pétersbourg pourrait admirer la célèbre danseuse dans deux ouvrages, "La Bayadère" et "Le lac des cygnes". Selon M. Tachkine la décision d'organiser ces représentation a été prise à la suite du succès des représentations au Théâtre des Champs Elysées, à Paris. "Après une saison réussie à l'étranger, nous avons décidé de montrer le talent d'Irina dans sa ville natale, où elle ne danse d'ordinaire pratiqment jamais". Selon lui, c'est après ses débuts en Odette - Odile, dans le "Lac des cygnes", de Tchaïkovski, qu'Irina Kolesnikova a obtenu une reconnaissance internationale. "Les amateurs de danse dans le monde estime que c'est ce ballet qui a rendu Kolesnikova célèbre, et nous allons l'y montrer à notre public", - a déclaré K. Tachkine, qui a ajouté que "cette année, nous allons essayer d'organiser la saison de manière à ce que la ballerine se produise souvent dans sa ville natale".

Thalia Theater: Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba "Amigas" (Hamburg-Magazin)

Lizt Alfonso ist die unangefochtene Königin des kubanischen Tanztheaters: Mit ihrem Ensemble präsentiert die international gefeierte Choreografin die atemberaubende Show "Amigas" vom 28. Juli bis 14. August 2011 als Weltpremiere im Hamburger Thalia Theater...

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