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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 24, 2004 1:06 pm    Sujet du message: A nos amis Russes / To our Russian Friends Répondre en citant

A nos amis Russes / To our Russian Friends

Depuis la création de ce forum, et encore plus depuis que nous y discutons abondamment de la tournée du Bolchoï en France, nous recevons de très nombreuses visites d'internautes Russes. Nos lecteurs seraient certainement très heureux d'avoir des informations et commentaires sur les spectacles de danse en Russie, et notamment au Bolchoï et au Marjinsky (Kirov). Alors, n'hésitez pas, inscrivez-vous et postez!

Since the opening of this forum, and moreover since we are discussing inensively about the Bolchoï Ballet Tournee in France, many Russian websurfers are visiting our site. Our readers would shurely be happy to get informations and comments about ballet performances in Russia, especially at the Bolshoï and Marjinsky (Kirov) theaters. So, don't hesitate, sign up and post messages!

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 29, 2004 12:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Chers amis de Russie, qui venez si souvent nous lire : je sais qu'il y aura bientôt au Bolchoï des représentations de Roméo et Juliette (Prokofiev) et de la Belle au bois dormant (Tchaikovsky), dans lesquelles se produira Maria Alexandrova. Cette danseuse a littéralement subjugué le public français lors de la tournée du Bolchoï à Paris, et je pense que nous serions tous très heureux d'avoir des informations régulières sur les spectacles où elle se produit. Alors, encore une fois, n'hésitez pas, inscrivez-vous et postez-nous des nouvelles de Russie!

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Petite question à ce sujet, Maria Alexandrova est-elle aussi populaire et aimée du public en Russie.

Et deuxième demande, quelqu'un aurait-il une photo de Daria Gurevitch?
Un grand merci d'avance.

Dernière édition par haydn le Ven Jan 30, 2004 1:47 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
Messages: 15
Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 30, 2004 6:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

While the Bolshoi Ballet performed in Paris, Russian ballet fans read French ballet forums with great interest. Many thanks to everybody who posted about Bolshoi performances in Palais Garnier.

Maria Alexandrova is very popular in Moscow, she apparently is the most popular ballerina of the young generation. For her role in Ratmansky's Bright Stream she is nominated for the Golden Mask Award (the famous theatre award in Russia), in the Aprile we will know if she''ll receive it.

Last December Bolshoi showed a premiere of Romeo and Juliet made by Moldovian choreographer Radu Poklitary and British theatre director Declan Donnellan. The first performance was danced by Maria Alexandrova as Juliet and young Denis Savin as Romeo. Everybody think that Alexandrova was tremendously good. That version differs from stagings by Lavrovsky or MacMillan as much as Mats Ek's Giselle differs from the classical version, that Juliet is strongheaded tomboy, and Alexandrova showed her energy, temperament and acting abilities.

Bolshoi management announced that there is idea to bring in Paris that Romeo and Juliet as well as Roland Petit's Dame Pique. There is also talking about exchange soloist between Bolshoi and POB but no certain info yet. I hope it will go to something.

Alexandrova is one of the rare dancers who possess strong technique, stage presence and acting skill. I especially like her in classical ballets where she can show her technique and her ability to deliver classical movements with real beauty, in the traditions of the great ballerinas like Marina Semenova and Maya Plissetskaya. However, to wonder of many people, she more often dance small roles than the leads. In Paris she danced Aspiccia just a third time in her life.

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 30, 2004 6:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

So many thanks Inga for this kind posting. Will you attend performances of Romeo and Julia and Sleeping Beauty at the Bolshoï Theatre? I guess there will be at least one performance where Maria Alexandrova is dancing Julia. She will also dance the Lilac Fairy in Sleeping beauty ; I believe that in this choreography, it is a true dancer's role, which is not the case in the Nureev production usually shown in Paris. In this latter case, the Lilac fairy is only a mimed character.

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 31, 2004 10:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

haydn, Masha Alexandrova scheduled to make her debut as Lilac Fairy at February 18. In Grigorovitch's version Lilac Fairy is dancing character. On February 13 she scheduled to dance Violant Fairy. I hope to see both performances, than I'll write my impressions.
I think she will dance Juliet but I will not see it.

I wonder if anybody noticed difference in Aspiccia's choreography as it was danced by Zakharova, Gracheva and Alexandrova. Last October I saw the debuts of Maria and Svetlana in the role, and the choreography was not the same - Svetlana, who is rather adagio dancer, did more simple version almost without "petit pas", whereas Masha did such a complicated movements as I never saw before. Pierre Lacotte in his interview said Alexandrova was the only Aspiccia who danced the steps just as he made them.

On balletalert! forum there is a topic about Alexandrova http://balletalert.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9528&st=0

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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 31, 2004 11:44 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Дорогой гость Инга!!! Будьте добры прийти сюда. Текст внизу касается интервью иксанов после поездки в Париже (message de bienvenue pour Inga)

Le directeur du Bolchoi a accordé une interview à la presse russe après la tournée en France. En résumé il se féllicitait du succès général de la tournée, du succès du Clair ruisseau. Sur les interprêtes, il soulignait que Maria Alexandrova avait été remarqué par le public parisien mais d'après lui, Zvetalana Zakharova a dépassé toutes les attentes et a été qualifiée par la critique de plus grande danseuse du monde.

Il semblerait que le Bolchoï connaisse les mêmes critiques que l'Opéra de Paris concernant les nominations de solistes et Maria Alexandrova semble être relativement mal aimée de la direction du BT et adorée du public.

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 31, 2004 1:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je savais qu'Alex avait de lointaines origines du côté de la Russie, mais il nous avait caché qu'il en maîtrisait la langue!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Mais en tout cas cela signifierait que Maria Alexandrova serait un peu la "Marie-Agnès Gillot" du Bolchoï, adorée du public et oubliée de la direction?

En tout cas lors de la tournée à Paris elle a été relativement bien distribuée, avec 2 représentations dans le rôle principal du Clair Ruisseau (la Danseuse classique) et 1 dans celui de la Fille du Pharaon.

Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'elle a été remarquée!

To Inga : I did'nt notice myself major differences in the choreography of La Fille du Pharaon, in relationship with the different casts, but I believe anybody has been aware of the technical superiority of Maria Alexandrova.
However, the true wonder is not only that Ms. Alexandrova possesses an outstanding technique, but that she also improved to a marvellous actress, as one could see in le Clair russeau (Bright stream).

Maria Alexandrova must be considered one of the World's leading ballerinas, and at the Paris Opera Ballet, we have hardly a dancer up to her level, except perhaps Marie-Agnès Gillot. Do you believe that she has a chance to be nominated as a principal soloist soon? I hope the Bolshoï Ballet will be able to keep such a jewel in the company, and to offer her the career perspectives she deserves!

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 31, 2004 7:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voici un message de Mikhaïl Alexandrovich qu'Alexandre (merci à lui Very Happy ) a traduit du Russe pour nous, et qui reprend en le complétant le post en Anglais.

Quant à votre question sur les relations Alexandrova avec la direction du
théâtre oui, hélas. Elle a eu des difficultés au cours de trois dernières
saisons, elle n'était pratiquement pas distribuée sur des roles importants.
Mais ces derniers six mois quelque chose a changé : Masha a dansé deux
premiers rôles («le Clair ruisseau» et «Romeo et Juliette»), on l'a distribuée dans les rôles principaux de «Notre Dame de Paris», «la Légende
sur l'amour» et «la Fille du pharaon». Très prochainement elle fera sa prise
de role dans la Fée Lilas de la "Belle au bois dormant" . Pour moi,
Alexandrova est une des danseuses les plus vives et sages (???) du Bolchoï, et je crois qu'une large gamme de rôles lui sont accessibles. Son potentiel est encore très important. Et elle est absolument la favorite du public de Moscou, bien que, comme n'importe quelle autre danseuse, la critique ne doit
pas lui être épargnée.
J'attire votre attention sur l'interview Alexandrova donnée au journal la
"Nouvelle", par téléphone de Paris (sur notre forum http://forum.balet.ru/viewtopic.php?t=194?=0?=asc?=30 ou http://www.izvestia.ru/culture/article43269). Ce sera certainement très intéressant" pour ses nouveaux admirateurs français.

Attention : les articles cités en liens sont en Russe!

Merci à nos amis de http://forum.balet.ru/ Very Happy Very Happy

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
Messages: 15
Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 01, 2004 8:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

haydn, I completely agree that Alexandrova is talented actress. She can give her own unique personality even to classical parts where she have many predecessors, like La Sylphide or Gamzatti. I think she can dance many roles of different styles. My wild dream is to see her as Odette-Odile and Nikiya. But at present it's just a dreams.

The outside choreographers who worked with the Bolshoi in the last years saw Alexandrova's talent and gave her roles. The most important of them - Boris Eifman gave her role of the Empress in his Russian Hamlet, Pierre Lacotte - two parts in La Fille du Pharaon, Alexei Ratmansky - in Bright Stream, Poklitary and Donnellan - in Romeo and Juliet. She always have very good reception on the foreigh tours, last year she danced small roles on USA tour and the general question was the same as now in Paris - why she still not a principal! But the Bolshoi management apparently didnt like her. It's just a shame! To waste such a talent on small parts like Violant Fairy or Raymonda's Friend! And she was often busy in the Bolshoi, dancing those small parts, so she have even no time for guesting!
Now Bolshoi Ballet have new artistic director, Alexei Ratmansky. In his interview he said that Masha will dance his ballets, and he think that now she is ready to dance big classical roles. So now Masha's perspectives depends from him. Let's hope for the best....

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 04, 2004 6:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Inga, there is a interwiev of Alexeï Ratmansky in the february issue of Dance Europe, but he doesn't tell a very word about Maria Alexandrova. He mainly speaks of his wife, who is a dancer at the Royal Ballet of Denmark, and which is going to join him in Moscow next month!

We have the same problem in Paris with a ballerina named Marie-Agnès Gillot, who is exceptionnaly gifted and able to dance almost any repertoire, but the management of the Paris Oper Ballet doesn't like her, and she probably will never be nominated as an "Etoile" (principal soloist)...

I'd like to ask you another question : I saw in Swan lake, Pharaon's daughter and Bright stream a highly talented female dancer, but I was unable to find out her name. She is dark-haired a rather round face, a large smile and a very dynamic style. In Swan lake, she danced the Neapolitan dance (not as the soloist!) ; the ballerinas were, according to the programm sheet ( but a misprint is possible):

Mrs. Gnedova, Kurkova, Lunkina, Pavlova, Prorvitch, Serenkova.

In Pharaon's daughter, she was a "yellow" hunter. The "yellow" hunters were, again according to the program :

Mrs. Fokina, Gurevitch, Kurkova, Linkina (?), Matsi, Pavlova, Prorvitch, Serenkova.

And last, in Bright stream, she was one of Zina's friends. The friends were :
Mrs. Gurevitch, Kurkova, Lunkina , Meskova, Osipova, Rebetskaya, Yatsenko.

I suspect that there's a misprint in the program sheet of Swan lake, and that this ballerina may be Daria Gurevitch, but I'm not sure. Could you please help me to identify her?

Thanks so much in advance.

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 05, 2004 9:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I saw Bright Stream several times, and recently I also noticed talented girl among Zina’s friends, dark-haired, round-faced, not very tall, who danced with apparent joy, but I cannot tell her name. Daria Gurevitch danced solo parts rarely, I saw her just once in Bright Stream as Galya; I liked her performance very much, but the only thing I remember about her appearance is her dark hair. I cannot tell is she the Zina’s friend I later noticed or not.
In the Bright Stream booklit Gurevitch’s photo absent, but now I remember that 3 years ago her photo was in the Bolshoi Teatr magazine where she was called one of the Bolshoi’s hopes. If I’ll find the magazine, I’ll place here the photo.

The girl named Lunkina that was mentioned must be Yulia Lunkina, the younger sister of Bolshoi soloist Svetlana Lunkina. Both sisters are dark but not round faced.

Considering Ratmansky’s interview, I think he just answer the questions that critics asked. If he was not asked about Alexandrova, he said nothing about her. But Masha’s fans hope that with him as AD she will became principal at last.

When the Bolshoi was under Yury Grigorovitch, the company have many good male dancers but just a few female star. More than that, almost all leading ballerinas was not grown inside the company, they was spotted out by somebody else – for example, Nina Ananiasvili and Nadya Gratcheva get awards on international competitions as a students, BEFORE they joined the company, Galina Stepanenko was a soloist in Stanislavsky Ballet. It’s more easy to invite into the company a ballerina who is a star already, than to spot out one talented girl out of 100+something corps dancers, and grow her into star! It seems Grigorovitch can spot out talented boys and give them opportunity to develop, but he cannot do that for females – the girls he pushed from the company’s corps rarely grow into stars.
When in 1995 Grigorovitch was replaced in the Bolshoi by Vladimir Vasiliev, situation changed. His management pushed several talented girls, including Alexandrova, S. Lunkina, Goriacheva, Shipulina, and, among others, Daria Gurevitch – it’s in Vasiliev times she danced small roles. But I think the only talented male who emerged in Vasiliev times was Dmitry Gudanov.
Boris Akimov, who was Bolshoi Ballet AD since 2000, prefer girls to be long-limbed, lyrical and rather passive, like Zakharova, Antonicheva, Shipulina. He dont approve of ballerinas of other type, even if they are very popular Nina Ananiashvili or Maria Alexandrova. In his time the Bolshoi show no new talents. May be the dancers he pushed is still too young, but it dont explain why the rarely gifted ballerinas like Nina or Masha, who is so much loved by the audience, have in his times so few opportunities.
I really hope that with the change of the management we will have more bright talents than the pale ones. At last Ratmansky can chose really talented dancers to perform in his ballets.

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 07, 2004 7:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Haydn, it's Daria Gurevitch (on the left I think) and Ksenia Tsareva

Is it the girl you remember?

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 08, 2004 1:06 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks so much Inga! The ballerina I looked for was actually Daria Gurevitch, and the programm sheet of Swan lake as distributed at the Palais Garnier was wrong as I guessed it.

This young person seems to be very highly gifted. She dances in a dynamic style, but without any brutality. She also seems to be really happy to dance, and I was a tru ray of sun to see her. A great artist.


Mille mercis Inga! La ballerine dont je cherchais le nom était bien Daria Gurevitch, et l'encart-programme du Lac des cygnes était donc bien erroné, ainsi que je le supposais.

Cette jeune femme semble extrêmement douée ; elle possède un style de danse très dynamique, mais dépourvu de toute brutalité. Elle parait aussi vraiment heureuse de danser, et c'était un vrai rayon de soleil que de la voir. Une grande artiste.

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 08, 2004 7:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gurevitch's photo was taken form Bolshoi Teatr magazine for 2000/2001 season.
In last times she rarely danced solo parts - may be because she is soubrettish type whereas Akimov prefered long-limbed "swan" type ballerinas. But this February Daria will dance in Sleeping Beauty Sapphire Fairy and Canary Fairy.
Change of the management give hope. After all, Ratmansky gave her the role of Galya, and in my opinion she was the best Galya of the three dancers I saw in the part.

Recently Masha Alexandrova danced Juliet. I dont saw it but my friend saw and said she was just great and so moving that he wanted to cry.

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
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MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 09, 2004 1:12 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank yo Inga. I'll probably try to write to Mrs Gurevitch at the Bolshoi. She was really great in every three works the company presented in Paris, and especially in the Neapolitan dances of the second act of Swan Lake. I hope Mr. Ratmansky will give her some interesting roles in a near future, as well as to Maria Alexandrova of course! Daria Gurevitch must also be very interesting as sapphire and canary fairy in Sleeping beauty. Many friends of mine noticed her, but we could'nt put a name on her face. Now, thanks to you, we know who she is.

I think you have highly talented dancers in your company, especially the female dancers. Elena Andrienko and Anastasia Yatsenko are also great. And Gennadi Yanin as well as Morihiro Iwata were also impressive.

Some journalists of the "official" press were a bit reluctant and jadded, but the public made a true triumph to the Bolshoï. Thanks to the Russians, we saw that there could be another way of dancing, less athlethic, with more expression and wit.

And everybody in Paris will remember Maria Alexandrova as one of the greatest dancers we ever saw. She deserves a trip to Moscow, and I hope there will be soon some DVD's or videos available with her in a major role.

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