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Sissi, l'imperatrice anarchiste

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Inscrit le: 06 Avr 2004
Messages: 23
Localisation: Moscou

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 24, 2009 10:29 am    Sujet du message: Sissi, l'imperatrice anarchiste Répondre en citant

Dear colleagues,
sorry for writing in English. I badly need any technical info on Sissi by Bejart: how long is this ballet, are there any other important roles besides the title one (especially for male dancers) etc. Unfortunately Bejart site gives no such info so I rely on ballet goers who watched this ballet live (as far as I now it was not recorded). If somebody has a Chatelet program I would be happy to receive a scan.

Thank you in advance and sorry for the creating the new thread - I found no approriate one.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2006
Messages: 293
Localisation: Londres

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 24, 2009 3:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I may well have a programme from when it was at Sadler's Wells, but it'd probably take me several weeks to unearth it ...

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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2004
Messages: 59
Localisation: paris

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 25, 2009 12:38 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

This ballet last about 20-30 minutes. The main role was held by Sylvie Guillem. There was also a male role, for a comedian as here were no dancing, but only acting and speaking for this caracter. There were also 2 girls, but they were doing "figuration". The musics were Strauss and Hugues Le Bars. If you want, I can look for more informations. What exactly do you need to know about this ballet (and why because I'm curious). In fact, I saw the premiere at Lausanne ( that was something like 12 years ago, no?). I have to recall it, but I can tell you about the general spirit.

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Inscrit le: 06 Avr 2004
Messages: 23
Localisation: Moscou

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 25, 2009 7:27 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you for the help, Helookity (aslo Florine). Your information is already valuable. Would be happy to receive any other info available, as well as any video (I collected about 5 minutes from a movie about Guillem and different annoucements by French TV).

What exactly do you need to know about this ballet (and why because I'm curious).
It is difficult to say exactly what I need, because I watched only short fragments. To understand the general spirit, of course, to imagine if it is interesting to dance the ballet and to watch it... Everything which can inspire a Bolshoi's principal to dance it, to help her to understand if she can do it and if it is worth doing. Let's say in these terms.

Thank you!

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Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2007
Messages: 976

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 25, 2009 4:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well, I think that ballet was made for Sylvie Guillem and i doubt that anyone else could dance it

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Inscrit le: 06 Avr 2004
Messages: 23
Localisation: Moscou

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 26, 2009 9:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

hi, Frederic,
it's possible, but this is another and parallel question concerning copyrights etc. Do you know whom to contact on this matter?

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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2004
Messages: 59
Localisation: paris

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 26, 2009 12:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Maurice Bejart was the one to contact about that.....

Sissi was a special ballet made for Sylvie Guillem. I think Maurice Bejart would never have let anyone else dance it, as it was a kind ok gift for the unique dancer Guillem is.

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 26, 2009 1:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I think it is the Fondation Ballet Bejart in Lausanne who now is in charge of matter of rights.

You should contact them directly :

M. Peter Berger, président
Fondation Béjart Ballet Lausanne
Chemin du Presbytère
Case postale 25
CH - 1000 Lausanne 22

Secretary of Mr. Berger :
Marie-Thérèse JACCARD
e-mail : mt.jaccard@bejart.ch
Phone : +41.21.641.64.61
Fax : +41.21.641.64.67

They may give you information about permission for performances, and if in the very case of Sissi, if there is some kind of exclusivity that had been granted to Sylvie Guillem.

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Inscrit le: 06 Avr 2004
Messages: 23
Localisation: Moscou

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 29, 2009 6:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you for the info, Haydn.
Well, Sylvie Guillem is a special case, of course, but should the ballet die? Gautier had no doubts that Carolotta Grisi was unique Giselle, the only one and the last one. But the life continued... Anyway the copyrights are not our problem. I would be glad to learn more about the ballet. Thank you once more.

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Site Admin

Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 29, 2009 6:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As long as you are just looking for general information about Sissi, you do not have to worry about copyright questions, but if your aim is to get the work performed, you will of course require permission from the Bejart right owners and cope with all this legal matter, Michel / Mikhaïl.

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