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Prix de Lausanne 2021 [31 janvier - 7 février 2021]

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 07, 2020 4:16 pm    Sujet du message: Prix de Lausanne 2021 [31 janvier - 7 février 2021] Répondre en citant

第49回ローザンヌ国際バレエコンクール 2021



43ヶ国から合計399名(女子 318名、男子 81名)の応募者の中から審査を通過したのは、79名。南米のプレセレクション(ビデオ審査)を通過した3名を加えた計82名(女子 52名、男子 30名)がモントルーでの本選に臨みます。

日本からは女子 5名、男子 6名の計 11名の方が通過してまして、韓国 18名に続き、アメリカと並んで2番目に多くなってます。



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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 09, 2021 8:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ビデオエディションとなった2021年 第49回ローザンヌ国際バレエコンクールの審査員が発表されました。


    The jury of the Video Edition will be made up of the following members:

    Richard Wherlock – President of the jury, Prix de Lausanne 2021
    Director & Head Choreographer, Basel Ballet

    Clairemarie Osta – Vice President of the jury, Prix de Lausanne 2021
    Head of ballet Department, Royal Swedish Ballet School / Étoile, Paris Opera Ballet

    Armando Braswell
    Director, Braswell Arts Center / Contemporary dance teacher, Prix de Lausanne 2020

    Kinsun Chan
    Director, Tanzkompanie Theater St. Gallen / Choreographer, Stage & Costume designer

    Myrna Kamara
    Guest Artist & Teacher / Former Principal, Miami City Ballet / Former dancer, NYCB / Director & dancer, balletXtreme

    Nicolas Le Riche
    Artistic Director, Royal Swedish Ballet / Étoile, Paris Opera Ballet

    Ihsan Rustem
    Resident Choreographer, NW Dance Project (US) / Former Dancer, Ballet Theater Munich

    Sarawanee Tanatanit
    International Guest Artist & Founder, HOSTBKK Arts Center / Prize Winner, Prix de Lausanne 2001

    Samuel Wuersten
    Director of the Holland Dance Festival and of the BA/MA Dance Program at Zurich Arts University


また、本家sophiaさんによると、コンクールの進捗については今までのコンクールのベストシーンの映像と共に、Arte Concertと ローザンヌコンクールの web siteでライブコメンテーター付きで放送されるそう。コメンテーターは、Jason Beechey と Cinthia Labaronne。放送は、2/1(月)~2/6(土)の最終審査までです。

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 09, 2021 8:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Prix de Lausanne 2021 – Video Edition

    Due to the current pandemic situation and related restrictions, the Fondation en faveur de l’Art Chorégraphique has had to rethink the usual form of its main event. Exceptionally, the 49th edition of the Prix de Lausanne will be a Video Edition!

    Every selected candidate will be able to demonstrate their talent and compete for a scholarship or apprenticeship via video submission and not in person. Classical and contemporary variations, as well as a ballet class, will be evaluated and marked separately. As in previous years, 20 finalists will be selected and judged at the end of the week, before the winners’ announcement during the Finals on Saturday, February 6th, 2021. The event will require only the Jury’s 9-member presence on site in Switzerland.

    The Prix de Lausanne’s Partner Schools and Companies will follow the competition week and will be able watch the videos privately through our Networking Forum and thus offer their support to all of the 80 candidates. The Prix de Lausanne team is also working on coordinating online classes taught by excellent teachers and coaches for the candidates before the competition begins.

    The Young Creation Award, a new competition in search of young choreographic talent and sponsored by the renowned choreographer Heinz Spoerli, will also be held via video. The Prix de Lausanne jury will be able to watch and judge the submitted finalists’ choreographies and award the two best young choreographers after the judging on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021. The choreographies will be performed publicly at the Prix de Lausanne 2022.

- ビデオ審査を通過した79名(2021年1月の時点)について改めて審査し、20名のファイナリストを選出

- パートナースクール、パートナーカンパニーは、コンクール期間中、Networking Forum のサイトで個別に全ての出場者のビデオを視聴できる。出場者たちは、ローザンヌコンクール事務局の調整で、コンクール前にオンラインのクラスとコーチを受けている。

- 新設の Young Creation Award もビデオで審査が行われる。この賞は、若い才能のある振付家を発掘するため、ハインツ・シュペルリがスポンサーとなって設けられた賞。ベストヤング振付家賞は2名、2/3(その後のアナウンスでは 2/6)に発表される。

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 09, 2021 8:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

で、その Young Creation Award ですが、5名のファイナリストが既に発表されています。



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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 16, 2021 5:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

2/6の決戦の後の授賞式で正式に授与されるそうで、授賞式は Arte Concert でライブ配信されます。


    Lausanne, January 13th, 2021: the Prix de Lausanne will offer the Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 to the British choreographer Wayne McGregor CBE. The visionary and multi-faceted artist, who is acclaimed in both artistic and academic circles, will accept this Award live on Arte Concert on February 6th, 2021.

    An Award made in Lausanne

    Every year since 2017, the Prix de Lausanne has been giving an Award to a dancer or a choreographer who has made a strong and significant contribution to the dance world.
    Beyond the anecdotal statuette for this Award, the main purpose is to highlight the careers of personalities and artists likely to inspire both young talents in the competition as well as accomplished dancers gravitating around the Prix de Lausanne.
    After John Neumeier, Jean-Christophe Maillot, Marcia Haydée and Carolyn Carlson, it is the turn for the British choreographer Wayne McGregor CBE to receive this Award made in Lausanne.

    Wayne McGregor is an innovative and exceptional contemporary dance choreographer. He has evolved the concept of dance in the 21st century and I congratulate him for his rich virtuosity and brilliance!” (Kathryn Bradney, Artistic and Executive Director, Prix de Lausanne).

    A multi-faceted artist

    After the Finals, the audience will be able to watch the Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony with Wayne McGregor live and enjoy a retrospective of his career’s highlights.
    This presentation will be part of the programme broadcasted live on Arte Concert from February 1st to 6th, 2021.

    Resident choreographer of the Royal Ballet (London), Director and Founder of Studio Wayne McGregor as well as Company Wayne McGregor, and recently appointed Director of Dance at La Biennale di Venezia, he has worked with many famous Operas and Companies around the world (Opéra National de Paris, Alvin Ailey, New York City Ballet, Bolshoi, etc.).
    His visionary approach mixing different arts and technologies has made him an acclaimed choreographer in popular culture, where he has collaborated on major productions: films (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Legend of Tarzan or The Fantastic Beasts trilogy), music videos (Radiohead, The Chemical Brothers), fashion shows and advertising campaigns. Wayne McGregor’s talent is also recognised in the academic world, where he is Professor of Choreography at Trinity Laban Conservatory of Music and Dance and holds Honorary Doctorates from four English universities.

    As of 2018, the Prix de Lausanne is lucky to count in its contemporary repertoire two of his variations (Becomings & Chroma), which were very generously offered by McGregor.

(Infos : https://www.prixdelausanne.org/press/press-releases/ )

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 30, 2021 1:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



> ローザンヌで羽を広げるバレエダンサー

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 06, 2021 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ちょっと、もぉ、今週は仕事がすごい忙しくて(今週は、じゃない状態ですが、もう長らく・・・)疲れまくってる間に、もう決勝です~。現地14:00~、日本時間22:00~ですので、もうあと一時間ほど! 忘れてた!

日本からは3名の皆さんが決勝に進出しています。107 小林 愛里さん、236 淵山 隼平さん、135 山本 小春さんです。皆さん、頑張って! なのか、もうビデオで頑張ったから結果待ちなのか、どうなの今回?



107 KOBAYASHI Airi Japan 15.4 years old
112 COHEN Charlotte Australia 15.8 years old
118 MACIANO Andrey Jesus Brazil 16 years old
123 PARK Robin South Korea 16.3 years old
133 FALCÃO Luiza Brazil 16.9 years old
135 YAMAMOTO Koharu Japan 17.1 years old
204 FAN Liya China 17.1 years old
207 KWON Jooyoung South Korea 17.2 years old
210 YUN Seojeong South Korea 17.3 years old
216 DILIGENTE Giulio Italy 17.6 years old
218 CASALINHO António Portugal 17.7 years old
219 GOMES Francisco Portugal 17.8 years old
222 RAMO RUIZ Lorien Spain 17.8 years old
223 DE CARVALHO Kayke Nogueira Brazil 17.9 years old
226 ABDEL-NOUR Luca Egypt 17.1 years old
228 RAMOS PONCE Saïd Spain 17.1 years old
231 COUPAL Ashley Canada 18 years old
232 GUTIÉRREZ RUBI Marti Mexico 18 years old
236 FUCHIYAMA Japan 18.2 years old
241 CRUZ Rui Cesar Brazil 18.6 years old

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 06, 2021 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant






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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 07, 2021 4:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    The 6 Prix de Lausanne 2021 Scholarship Prize Winners are:


    218 – António CASALINHO – Portugal

    226 – Luca ABDEL-NOUR – Egypt

    118 – Andrey Jesus MACIANO – Brazil

    210 – Seojeong YUN – South Korea

    236 – FUCHIYAMA Shunhei 淵山 隼平 – Japan

    231 – Ashley COUPAL – Canada

    Other Awards:
    Best Young Talent Award:
    118 – Andrey Jesus MACIANO – Brazil

    Contemporary Dance Award:
    218 – António CASALINHO – Portugal & 241 – CRUZ Rui Cesar –Brazil

    Best Swiss Candidate Award:
    226 – Luca ABDEL-NOUR – Egypt

    Audience Favourite Award: 226 – Luca ABDEL-NOUR – Egypt

    Finalists Award: the Finalists who have not been awarded any scholarship will each receive CHF 1,000.-, offered by Bobst SA.

受賞した皆さん、おめでとうございます Very Happy
受賞を逃した皆さんにもきっとチャンスは巡ってくるので、めげずに頑張ってください! 審査員や世界中の人の目に触れたことは大きな意味を持つでしょう。


日本からでは淵山さんが第5位! 一昨年2019年にも出場してファイナリストになっています。今年の予選通過者のリストによると、今はアメリカの The Harid Conservatory に在籍中となってますが、どうやら新型コロナの影響で帰国してようですね。ともかく、おめでとうございます!


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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 07, 2021 4:38 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


充実の Swissonfo.ch



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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 17, 2021 6:55 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Schools & companies chosen by the 2021 Prize Winners

    The 6 Prize Winners of the Prix de Lausanne – Video Edition 2021 have chosen the school or company that they will be joining for the upcoming season! Discover their choices below:

    1- António CASALINHO – Portugal

    Company chosen: To be confirmed / Apprenticeship offered by Oak Foundation

    2- Luca ABDEL-NOUR – Egypt

    Company chosen: Dutch National Ballet Junior Company / Apprenticeship offered by Bourse Jeune Espoir

    3- Andrey Jesus MACIANO – Brazil

    School chosen: Royal Ballet School / Scholarship offered by Fondation Albert Amon

    4- Seojeong YUN – South Korea

    School chosen: San Francisco Ballet School Trainee Program / Scholarship offered by Fondation Caris

    5- Shunhei FUCHIYAMA – Japan

    Company chosen: English National Ballet / Apprenticeship offered by Fondation Coromandel

    6- Ashley COUPAL – Canada

    Company chosen: English National Ballet / Apprenticeship offered by Fondation en faveur de l’Art Chorégraphique

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 09, 2021 11:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Networking Forum の結果が出ています。ファイナリストの山本小春さんが、パリ・オペラ座バレエ学校に決まっていますねー。素晴らしい! ほかにも決勝には残ってなくても多数の出場者が名だたるバレエ学校に進むことになっています。実際もう学校は始まっているのですよね? まだコロナ禍ですし、新しい環境でいろいろと大変だと思いますが、たくさん学んで頑張ってください。


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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
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MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 09, 2021 11:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



2021年10月10日(日) 14:30~16:30  NHK Eテレ



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