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02 août 2011

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MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 02, 2011 10:03 am    Sujet du message: 02 août 2011 Répondre en citant

Le danseur [Pascal Touzeau] a été fait chevalier, par David Garcia (Sud-Ouest)

Loin des grands noms très médiatisés de la danse, le danseur et chorégraphe contemporain Pascal Touzeau vient de recevoir, le 18 juin dernier, la médaille de chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, une distinction qu'il savoure après des dizaines d'années de travail et de passion à travers toute l'Europe. C'est pourtant dans la petite école de danse de Portets que Pascal réalise ses premiers pas, et chez M. Paoli à Bordeaux où il se perfectionne, puis, devant cet élève doué, c'est le conservatoire de Bordeaux avec Wladimir Skouratoff, qui s'ouvre à lui. En 1985, il devient danseur professionnel. Il a 16 ans ! Déjà sollicité, mais surtout curieux, à 18 ans il part pour l'Allemagne, Bonn et Wiesbaden où il officiera comme soliste pendant trois ans. Mais c'est à Francfort que Pascal fera une rencontre décisive...

Les Ballets d’Europe dans leur Jardin à Allauch, par Didier Philispart (Fréquence Sud)

Mercredi 20 juillet, il est 21 heures, la nuit tombe et l’amphithéâtre se remplit. Mon voisin me susurre : « c’est magnifique ce qu’ils ont fait ici. N’est-ce pas ? ». Il a raison et j’oublie un peu la fraicheur inhabituelle en cette saison pour contempler les lieux. 3 pièces au programme de cette nuit : « FOLAVI » (Jean-Charles GIL), «Un peu plus loin» (duo de Christophe GARCIA) et pour finir «Comme un souffle de femme» dans une nouvelle version (Jean-Charles GIL)...

Homage to Fokine, Royal Opera House, London, par Zoë Anderson (The Independent)

In the early years of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, Mikhail Fokine's ballets offered European audiences intoxicating visions, from grounded Russian folk tales to wild eastern dreams. In this celebration, the Mariinsky Ballet dance three of his most famous works. They're at their best in Chopiniana, the ballet known in the west as Les Sylphides. Harking back to the Romantic ballets of the 1830s, Fokine shows a poet dancing with airy sylphs in a glade. Mariinsky sylphs have lighter hearts than their western counterparts. Orest Allegri's forest set suggests the end of a long summer evening; no dank midnight or Gothic abbeys here. There's a hint of sunshine in the light, brisk dancing...

Mariinsky Ballet : Homage to Fokine – review, par Judith Mackrell (The Guardian)

Towards the end of its brief but stellar life, Diaghilev's Ballets Russes had become a European project, its repertory and designs dominated by western influences. It's hard for us to envisage just how Russian the company appeared when it first hit Paris in 1909. But in this programme of early classics – all choreographed by Mikhail Fokine – the Mariinsky recreate that frisson of the exotic. Aspects of the design and staging may fall short of authenticity, but these ballets fill the stage with a blast of colour and conviction that triumph over many more careful revivals...

Ballet company impresses UK audiences, par John Daly-Peoples (National Business Review - Wellington)

The Royal New Zealand Ballet‘s recent European tour tour has received unprecedented critical acclaim with rave reviews about the company as well as some of the individual dancers. Andrew Simmons was singled out by The Arts Desk which is one of the leading arts review websites saying, “All ballet companies dream of finding a genuine creative talent among their ranks, and the Royal New Zealand ballet, visiting from the farthest end of the world ballet map, have one in Andrew Simmons. The unknown name on their triple bill on this rare visit to London shows a young mind drawn naturally to grace and understated expressiveness”...

Everyone can have a night at Covent Garden (The Independent)

The way we market and sell our tickets has also changed dramatically. Up to 80 per cent of our tickets are bought online on the first day of booking and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and YouTube allow us to communicate what we're doing in new ways. For the Gala opening of Alice we brought in the Ballet Bag bloggers to record every detail of the night – from the dressing rooms to the post-performance dinner. They posted messages throughout the evening on the ROH twitter feed. This was a risk as we were handing over editorial control, but we wanted the voice to be authentic and it worked. The next stage is the convergence of broadcast and the web. We will all become broadcasters and everything will be available on demand – where you want it when you want it. People will be able to watch any performance from around the world live from their living room, or search through the archives for a particular show. People have a right to expect this – a quarter of our budget comes from the public purse – for every £3 we spend, £1 comes from the public. People are paying for us and it is even more important, then, that we reach as many people as we can...

Xander Parish: the Brit who ran off to join the Mariinsky Ballet (The Guardian)

The current Covent Garden season by the Mariinsky Ballet has been a fine opportunity to see Russia's leading company up close. But not everyone is Russian. Last week a British dancer, Xander Parish, performed the lead role of the Poet in the Mariinsky Ballet's Chopiniana, the opening work in a triple bill of ballets by Mikhail Fokine. The 25-year-old Hull-born dancer joined the legendary St Petersburg company in January last year – the first Briton ever to do so. Before that, he had been a member of the Royal Ballet, where he had languished in the corps de ballet for five seasons, growing increasingly frustrated as advancement passed him by...

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