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27 avril 2011

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MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 27, 2011 9:50 am    Sujet du message: 27 avril 2011 Répondre en citant

Marseille : des décors du ballet de la ville détruits par les flammes, par Xavier Cherica (La Provence)

Ce matin, vers 2h30, un incendie s'est déclaré dans l'entrepôt d'une société de déménagement dans le secteur de Saint-Marcel, situé dans les quartiers Est de Marseille. Les flammes, particulièrement virulentes, se sont vite propagées à d'autres locaux. Notamment des salles dans lesquelles on organise des soirées de mariage et, surtout, dans un espace qui contenait tous les décors de ballet de la cité phocéenne...

Manon, Royal Ballet, Covent Garden, review, par Mark Monahan (The Telegraph)

Thursday night’s performance of Manon (created in 1974, after Abbé Prévost’s 1731 novel) could have gone all sorts of ways. Steven McRae is a fantastic dancer (see feature, above), but even fantastic dancers have been felled by choreographer Kenneth MacMillan’s technical and emotional requirements. It was McRae’s debut as its hero, the student Des Grieux, and he was making it a week earlier than planned, and opposite a ballerina who is not his regular partner and 21 years his senior. ..

Steven McRae: Dancing at full throttle, par Mark Monahan (The Telegraph)

Steven McRae must be the only Royal Ballet principal dancer ever to have been reared amid the smoke, sweat and speed of drag racing. “My dad got involved with cars at a very young age,” he says. “He raced, built his own cars and engines, devoted his whole life to it. I was brought up at the track, and loved it – to this day, if for some reason I had to step away from the dance world, I would probably want to jump in a car.”...

Ballets come with a little cut and thrust (The Sidney Morning Herald)

Dancers will be en garde and en pointe in three very different British works. Put a sword in the hands of a ballet dancer and you never know what might happen. “The swords are wooden but there was a tiny accident where the tip of a sword has gone through Lycra,” says David McAllister, artistic director of The Australian Ballet. “No damage was done – it was just a sewing job.” His dancers have been perfecting their swordplay while rehearsing a demanding triple bill – British Liaisons – that opens at Sydney Opera House on May 3. The program pays tribute to the British beginnings of The Australian Ballet 49 years ago...

The rebirth of the Bolshoi theatre, par Shaun Walker (The Independent)

The Bolshoi Theatre will throw open its doors again in October, after six years of extensive renovations. The state-funded opera and ballet company, which is just a stone's throw from the Kremlin, is one of Moscow's most iconic landmarks, and its management will be relieved the reconstruction work, which has been dogged by allegations of corruption and misspending, is finally drawing to a close...

2011-2012 Season Announced for Opera in Cinema, Ballet in Cinema (Opera World)

Emerging Pictures, North America's largest supplier of alternative content for movie theaters, today announced the 2011-2012 schedule for the company's highly acclaimed "Opera in Cinema" and "Ballet in Cinema" series. Including nearly 20 live HD performances broadcast from the world's foremost opera houses and ballet companies, "Opera in Cinema" and "Ballet in Cinema" bring American audiences the opportunity to experience performances by some of the biggest stars in opera and ballet today --- all in high definition digital projection on full-size movie screens...

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