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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2008 5:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Un feuilleton Ratmanski se prépare-t-il? Les négociations entre Alexeï Ratmanski et le NYCB semblent finalement ne pas avoir abouti. Un porte-parole de la compagnie new-yorkaise vient ainsi d'annoncer qu'Alexeï Ratmanski ne rejoindrait finalement pas le NYCB en tant que chorégraphe-résident, en raison d'un programme trop chargé - notamment des engagements avec le Bolchoï et d'autres compagnies - pour les deux années à venir.

The New-York Times - Bolshoi’s Director Won’t Join City Ballet, par Daniel J. Wakin

The New York City Ballet and Alexei Ratmansky have ended their pas de deux. After inviting Mr. Ratmansky to become its resident choreographer, City Ballet said Tuesday that he would not be taking the job because he was too busy.

The two sides held talks this weekend about the offer. Mr. Ratmansky would have succeeded Christopher Wheeldon, who has struck out on his own and founded a new company.

In an e-mail message on Tuesday, a City Ballet spokesman, Robert Daniels, said, “New York City Ballet and Alexei Ratmansky have decided, in light of Mr. Ratmansky’s schedule for the next two years, which includes a number of commitments to the Bolshoi Ballet and several other companies, he will not join N.Y.C.B. as resident choreographer at this time.”

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 14, 2008 9:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La finale du Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP) 2008 aura lieu à New-York du 16 au 21 avril.


Programme du gala de clôture du 21 avril:

* Roberto Bolle (La Scala Ballet)
* Fabrice Calmels (Joffrey Ballet)
* David Hallberg (American Ballet Theatre)
* Blaine Hoven (American Ballet Theatre)
* Drew Jacoby
* Maria Kowroski (New York City Ballet)
* Philip Neal (New York City Ballet)
* Rubinald Pronk (Dutch National Ballet)
* Natalia Osipova (Bolshoi Ballet)
* Polina Semionova (Berlin State Opera Ballet) NY Debut
* Sarawanee Tanatanit (American Ballet Theatre)
* Mizuka Ueno (Tokyo Ballet) NY Debut
* Ivan Vasiliev (Bolshoi Ballet) NY Debut
* Wendy Whelan (New York City Ballet)
* Jin Yao (Hong Kong Ballet) NY Debut
* Huang Zhen (Hong Kong Ballet) NY Debut
* Company Members of MOMIX


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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006
Messages: 14920
Localisation: tokyo

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 15, 2008 10:15 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

American Ballet Theatre Japan Tour 2008

The details are announced on the official website for ABT Japan Tour 2008 of Japan Arts:
http://www.japanarts.co.jp/html/2008/ballet/ABT/index.htm (japanese. It has "English" tab.)


Gala Performance

- July 17 (Thu) 19h00

La Bayadère pas d'action (chor. Makarova)
Michele Wiles / David Hallberg

Manon pdd (chor. MacMillan)
Julie Kent / Marcelo Gomes

Sinatra Suite (chor. Tharp)
Misty Copeland / Jose Carreño

Swan Lake act II pdd (chor. McKenzie)
Irina Dvorovenko / Maxim Beloserkovsky

Don Quixote pdd (chor. Petipa)
Nina Ananiashvili / Angel Correla

* new creation by Twyla Tharp
Paloma Herrera / Marcelo Gomes / Gillian Murphy / David Hallberg /
Herman Cornejo / Ethan Stiefel

- July 18 (Fri) 19h00

La Bayadère pas d'action (chor. Makarova)
Michele Wiles / David Hallberg

The Sleeping Beauty pdd (chor. McKenzie)
Irina Dvorovenko / Maxim Beloserkovsky

The Merry Widow (chor. Hynd)
Julie Kent / Marcelo Gomez

Sinatra Suite (chor. Tharp)
Misty Copeland / Jose Carreño

Le Corsaire pdd (chor. Petipa)
Xiomara Reyes / Angel Correla

* new creation by Twyla Tharp
Paloma Herrera / Marcelo Gomes / Gillian Murphy / David Hallberg /
Herman Cornejo / Ethan Stiefel

Ticket price (yen): S-22,000/ A-18,000 / B-15,000 / C-12,000 / D-9,000 / E:6,000

Le Corsaire

- July 19 (Sat) 18h30
Nina Ananiashvili / TBA / Angel Correla / Stella Abrera / Gennadi Saveliev

- July 20 (Sun) 13h00
Michele Wiles / David Hallberg / Jose Manuel Carreno / Misty Copeland / Jared Matthews

- July 20 (Sun) 18h00
Paloma Herrera / Marcelo Gomes / Ethan Stiefel / Xiomara Reyes / Herman Cornejo

- July 21 (Mon) 13h00
Gillian Murphy / Gennadi Saveliev / Angel Correla / Maria Riccetto / Sascha Radetsky

Ticket price (yan): S-20,000 / A-17,000 / B-14,000 / C-11,000 / D-8,000 / E-5,000

Swan Lake

- July 23 (Wed) 18h30
Julie Kent / Marcelo Gomes / David Hallberg

- July 24 (Thu) 18h30
Irina Dvorovenko / Maxim Beloserkovsky / Gennadi Saveliev

- July 25 (Fri) 13h00
Paloma Herrera / Jose Manuel Carreno / Sascha Radetsky

- July 25 (Fri) 18h30
Gillian Murphy / Angel Correla / Jared Matthews

Ticket price (yan): S-20,000 / A-17,000 / B-14,000 / C-11,000 / D-8,000 / E-5,000

Tickets will be on sale from February 17 2008.
contact from outside of Japan: e-mail. ticket@japanarts.co.jp
contact in Japan: tel. 03 - 5237 - 7711 Japan Arts Pia Call-Center
(open 10:00-18:00 every day except for New Years)

The troup will give performances in other cities in Japan:

- Ohtsu-shi, Shiga : Saturday 26 July 2008
Gala Performance
Biwako Hall

- Ohsaka : Sunday 27 July 2008
Le Corsaire
Festival Hall

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 22, 2008 4:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le New-York City Ballet revient à Londres pour la première fois depuis 25 ans. Tournée du 12 au 22 mars au Coliseum avec quatre programmes différents.

Programme 1 - Essential Balanchine
Symphony in C

Programme 2 - Jerome Robbins: An American Icon
The Four Seasons
The Concert

Programme 3 - Four Voices: Wheeldon, Martins, Bigonzetti, Ratmansky
Christopher Wheeldon: Carousel (A Dance)
Peter Martins: Zakouski
A ballet by Mauro Bigonzetti
Alexei Ratmansky: Russian Seasons

Programme 4 - Ballet and Broadway: A Musical Celebration
Peter Martins: Thou Swell
George Balanchine: Tarantella
George Balanchine: Western Symphony
Jerome Robbins: West Side Story Suite

Informations et réservations

Distributions à venir: http://www.nycballet.com

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 06, 2008 9:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Les distributions de la tournée du NYCB à Londres

Mercredi 12 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]


Taylor, Bouder, Gilliland, Neal, la Cour



Whelan, Evans, Veyette, Krohn, Tinsley-Williams,
Reichlen, T. Angle, Ramasar


Symphonie en ut

1er mouvement: A. Stafford, J. Stafford
2ème mouvement: Mearns, Askegard
3ème mouvement: M. Fairchild, Garcia
4ème mouvement: T. Peck, Suozzi

Jeudi 13 mars 2008, 19h30 [Kaplow]

The Four Seasons

Hiver: M. Fairchild, Hendrickson, Carmena
Printemps: Mearns, J. Angle
Eté: Rutherford, Hanna
Automne: Bouder, Millepied, Ulbricht



Krohn, J. Angle


The Concert

Hyltin, Higgins, Piskin, Laracey, Pazcoguin,
Veyette, Muller, Laurent, Peiffer, J. Peck
(piano solo: McDill)

Vendredi 14 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]


Kistler, Borree, Mearns, Askegard, Hanna



LeCrone, Evans, Suozzi, Krohn, Laracey,
Reichlen, T. Angle, Ramasar


Symphonie en ut

1er mouvement: Scheller, J. Angle
2ème mouvement: Whelan, Neal
3ème mouvement: Hyltin, Carmena
4ème mouvement: T. Peck, Higgins

Samedi 15 mars 2008, 14h [Kaplow]

The Four Seasons

Hiver: M. Fairchild, Hendrickson, Carmena
Printemps: Mearns, J. Angle
Eté: Rutherford, Hanna
Automne: Bouder, Millepied, Ulbricht



Krohn, J. Angle


The Concert

Hyltin, Higgins, Piskin, Laracey, Pazcoguin,
Veyette, Muller, Laurent, Peiffer, J. Peck
(piano solo: McDill)

Samedi 15 mars 2008, 19h30 [Kaplow]

The Four Seasons

Hiver: M. Fairchild, Hendrickson, Carmena
Printemps: Mearns, J. Angle
Eté: Rutherford, Hanna
Automne: Bouder, Millepied, Ulbricht



Krohn, J. Angle


The Concert

Hyltin, Higgins, Piskin, Laracey, Pazcoguin,
Veyette, Muller, Laurent, Peiffer, J. Peck
(piano solo: McDill)

Dimanche 16 mars 2008, 14h


Kistler, Borree, Mearns, Askegard, Hanna



LeCrone, Evans, Suozzi, Krohn, Laracey,
Reichlen, T. Angle, Ramasar


Symphonie en ut

1er mouvement: Scheller, J. Angle
2ème mouvement: Whelan, Neal
3ème mouvement: Hyltin, Carmena
4ème mouvement: T. Peck, Higgins

Dimanche 16 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]


Taylor, Bouder, Gilliland, Neal, la Cour



Whelan, Evans, Veyette, Krohn, Tinsley-Williams,
Reichlen, T. Angle, Ramasar


Symphonie en ut

1er mouvement: A. Stafford, J. Stafford
2ème mouvement: Mearns, Askegard
3ème mouvement: M. Fairchild, Garcia
4ème mouvement: T. Peck, Suozzi

Mardi 18 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]

Carousel (A Dance)

T. Peck, Woetzel



Borree, Hübbe+
(piano solo: Moredock,
violon solo: Nikkanen)


In Vento

*Reichlen, Millepied, Fowler


Russian Seasons

Krohn, Whelan, Rutherford, Evans

Mercredi 19 mars 2008, 19h30

Thou Swell

Kistler, Borree, Arthurs, Mearns
J. Angle, Martins, Askegard, Ramasar
(piano solo: Moverman)



Bouder, Ulbricht (piano solo: Walters)


Western Symphony

1er mouvement: A. Stafford, J. Stafford
2ème mouvement: Hyltin, Evans
3ème mouvement: Reichlen, Hanna


West Side Story Suite

Millepied, Woetzel, Ramasar,
Arthurs, Pazcoguin, Smith

Jeudi 20 mars 2008, 14h

Thou Swell

Kistler, Borree, Arthurs, Mearns
J. Angle, Martins, Askegard, Ramasar
(piano solo: Moverman)



M. Fairchild, Garcia (piano solo: Walters)


Western Symphony

1er mouvement: A. Stafford, J. Stafford
2ème mouvement: Hyltin, Evans
3ème mouvement: Reichlen, Hanna


West Side Story Suite

Millepied, Woetzel, Ramasar,
Arthurs, Pazcoguin, Smith

Jeudi 20 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]

Carousel (A Dance)

T. Peck, Woetzel



M. Fairchild, De Luz
(piano solo: Moredock,
violon solo: Nikkanen)


In Vento

Reichlen, Millepied, Fowler


Russian Seasons

Krohn, Whelan, Rutherford, Evans

Vendredi 21 mars 2008, 19h30 [Karoui]

Carousel (A Dance)

T. Peck, Woetzel



M. Fairchild, De Luz
(piano solo: Moredock,
violon solo: Nikkanen)


In Vento

Reichlen, Millepied, Fowler


Russian Seasons

Pazcoguin, Whelan, Rutherford, Evans

Samedi 22 mars 2008, 14h

Thou Swell

Kistler, Borree, Arthurs, Mearns
J. Angle, Martins, Askegard, T. Angle
(piano solo: Moverman)



Hyltin, Garcia
(piano solo: Walters)


Western Symphony

1er mouvement: Tinsley-Williams, Martins
2ème mouvement: M. Fairchild, Hendrickson
3ème mouvement: Reichlen, Woetzel


West Side Story Suite

R. Fairchild, Veyette, Ramasar,
Arthurs, Pazcoguin, Smith

Samedi 22 mars 2008, 19h30

Thou Swell

Kistler, Borree, Arthurs, Mearns
J. Angle, Martins, Askegard, T. Angle
(piano solo: Moverman)



Bouder, Ulbricht
(piano solo: Walters)


Western Symphony

1er mouvement: Tinsley-Williams, Martins
2ème mouvement: M. Fairchild, Hendrickson
3ème mouvement: Reichlen, Woetzel


West Side Story Suite

R. Fairchild, Veyette, Ramasar,
Arthurs, Pazcoguin, Smith

+ Artiste invité, * Début

Source: http://www.nycballet.com/

A noter que Nikolaj Hübbe qui a fait ses adieux le mois dernier à New-York fera une ultime apparition à Londres le 18 mars dans Zakouski, de Peter Martins.

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 13, 2008 5:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Des vidéos quotidiennes permettent de suivre le NYCB en tournée à Londres du 12 au 22 mars: http://www.nycballet.com/nycbontour/london/index.html

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 01, 2008 10:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Daniil Simkin quitte le Ballet de l'Opéra de Vienne, où il était demi-soliste, pour l'ABT où il a été engagé comme soliste pour la saison 2008/2009.

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 03, 2008 11:16 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


4/30/2008 - Daniil Simkin will join American Ballet Theatre as a Soloist in October 2008. It was announced today by Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie.

Simkin was born in Russia to ballet dancers Dimitrij Simkin and Olga Aleksandrova and was raised in Wiesbaden, Germany, where the family settled in 1990. From the age of six, Simkin often appeared onstage dancing alongside his father. He began his formal ballet training at age ten, under the direction of his mother, and at age 12 he began participating in ballet competitions and galas around the world.

In 2006, Simkin joined the Vienna State Opera as a demi-soloist. His roles with the company included the peasant pas de deux in Elena Tchernichova’s Giselle, the Nutcracker-Prince in Vasily Vainonen’s The Nutcracker, Benvolio in John Cranko’s Romeo and Juliet and the Beggar Chief in Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon, among others. In 2007, he danced his first principal role, Basilio in Don Quixote, as a guest with the Lithuanian National Opera.

Simkin’s awards include First Prize at International Ballet Competitions in St. Pölten, Austria (2000); Vienna, Austria (2001); Perm, Russia (2004); and Varna, Bulgaria (2004), where he also won the Gold Medal. He won the Grand Prix at the International Ballet Competition in Vienna in 2004 and in Helsinki in 2005. In 2006, he won the Senior Gold Medal at the USA International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi.

Source: http://www.abt.org/

Daniil Simkin avait également réussi le concours d'entrée dans le corps de ballet de l'Opéra de Paris il y a deux ou trois ans, et je crois que c'est peu après qu'il a été engagé à Vienne. Il en parlait d'ailleurs de manière assez ironique dans une interview publiée dans un numéro récent du magazine Danser - Télérama.

Le danseur l'annonce sur son site: http://www.daniilsimkin.com/

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 07, 2008 9:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dans le cadre des célébrations en l'honneur de Jerome Robbins, le NYCB invite du 6 mai au 29 juin 2008 des artistes de différentes compagnies à se joindre à cet hommage. Parmi eux, Herman Cornejo (ABT) pour Fancy Free, Julie Kent (ABT), Alina Cojocaru et Johan Kobborg (Royal Ballet) pour Other Dances, ou encore Nicolas le Riche (Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris) pour A Suite of Dances, qu'il dansera les 14 et 16 juin.

Le programme complet:


It wouldn't be a celebration without special guests and New York City Ballet is pleased to welcome some famous names from the worlds of dance and music to pay tribute to Jerome Robbins this spring as part of the 2008 Jerome Robbins Celebration. Mark your calendar now and plan to be with us for these rare and special highlights. Familiar and much-loved faces will join some new friends as part of this festive occasion. You won't want to miss one of them!

To view the artist's biography, click their name.

May 6 - 11:
Tuesday eve., May 6, American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Herman Cornejo in Fancy Free
Thursday eve., May 8, Artistic Director Designate Royal Danish Ballet Nikolaj Hübbe in Watermill

May 27 - June 1:
Tuesday eve., May 27, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs
Friday eve., May 30, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs
Sunday mat., June 1, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs

June 3 - 8:
Wednesday eve., June 4 American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Julie Kent in Other Dances
Friday eve., June 6, Royal Ballet Principal Dancers Alina Cojocaru & Johan Kobborg in Other Dances

June 10 - 15:
Tuesday eve., June 10, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka
Wednesday eve., June 11, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka
Saturday. mat., June 14 Paris Opera Ballet Etoile Nicolas Le Riche in A Suite of Dances
Sunday mat., June 15, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka

June 16 - 29:
Tuesday. eve., June 16, Paris Opera Ballet Etoile Nicolas Le Riche in A Suite of Dances
Saturday mat. June 21, American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Julie Kent in Other Dances

May 6, May 11, the singers will be Philip Horst and Jeremy Kelly in Dybbuk
May 6, May 11, the singers will be Rob Lorey, Whitney Webster, Julie Price, Leslie Becker (Stephanie Bast on May 6 and May 11 mat.,) and Lara Marie Hirner in West Side Story Suite
May 9, May 14, May 17, the singers will be Jason Hardy, Elizabeth DeShong, Sari Gruber and Bryan Griffin in Les Noces.

Source: http://www.nycballet.com/

édit: 14/05/08

Nicolas Le Riche dansera A Suite of Dances les 14 (matinée) et 17 juin.

May 6 - 11:
Tuesday eve., May 6, American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Herman Cornejo in Fancy Free
Thursday eve., May 8, Artistic Director Designate Royal Danish Ballet Nikolaj Hübbe in Watermill

May 27 - June 1:
Tuesday eve., May 27, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs
Friday eve., May 30, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs
Sunday mat., June 1, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Ives, Songs

June 3 - 8:
Wednesday eve., June 4 American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Julie Kent in Other Dances
Friday eve., June 6, Royal Ballet Principal Dancers Alina Cojocaru & Johan Kobborg in Other Dances

June 10 - 15:
Tuesday eve., June 10, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka
Wednesday eve., June 11, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka
Saturday. mat., June 14 Paris Opera Ballet Etoile Nicolas Le Riche in A Suite of Dances
Sunday mat., June 15, former NYCB Principal Dancer Robert La Fosse in Circus Polka

June 16 - 29:
Tuesday. eve., June 17, Paris Opera Ballet Etoile Nicolas Le Riche in A Suite of Dances
Saturday mat. June 21, American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Julie Kent in Other Dances

May 6, May 11, the singers will be Philip Horst and Jeremy Kelly in Dybbuk
May 6, May 11, the singers will be Rob Lorey, Whitney Webster, Julie Price, Leslie Becker (Stephanie Bast on May 6 and May 11 mat.,) and Lara Marie Hirner in West Side Story Suite
May 9, May 14, May 17, the singers will be Jason Hardy, Elizabeth DeShong, Sari Gruber and Bryan Griffin in Les Noces.

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 25, 2008 12:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une information connue depuis quelque temps déjà: Veronika Part, qui avait renoncé en 2002 à son statut de soliste au Mariinski pour rejoindre l'ABT quittera définitivement la compagnie américaine (où elle ne semble avoir jamais pu trouver sa place) à la fin de la saison. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas d'annonce officielle concernant la compagnie qu'elle rejoindra la saison prochaine, tout ce que l'on peut dire, c'est s'il s'agirait vraisemblablement d'une compagnie européenne (RB??). Il est question de Veronika Part et de son départ de l'ABT dans cette interview publiée en mars sur ballet.co magazine: http://www.ballet.co.uk/magazines/yr_08/mar08/interview_veronika_part.htm


On peut toujours admirer sa magnifique Raymonda, dansée avec le Mariinski alors qu'elle avait 20 ans. Grand Pas classique hongrois (acte III): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KWHje_vp_k
(dommage pour les pieds coupés par le bandeau, l'ancien film en noir et blanc était de meilleure qualité, mais il semble avoir disparu... Laughing).

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 19, 2008 10:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nicolas Le Riche à New York

Nicolas Le Riche sur le site du NYCB: http://www.nycballet.com/guests/leriche.html

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 29, 2008 10:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Maria Kochetkova, principale au San Francisco Ballet (auparavant à l'ENB), participera le 4 juillet prochain à un gala à Astena (Kazakhstan) où elle aura notamment pour partenaire Daniil Simkin, à présent à l'ABT.

Je ne connais pas le reste du programme ni les autres participants, mais je vous laisse le lien vers son blog sur lequel on trouve de nombreuses vidéos.

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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2003
Messages: 982
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 02, 2008 12:32 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Où peut-on le même soir accueillir 4000 spectateurs pour voir la Bayadère et 2750 places pour une soirée Robbins ? A New-York, bien sûr !

Les deux salles sont tous les soirs pleines de curieux de la danse dans la moiteur des belles nuits américaines.

Quelles merveilleuses salles que celles construites en 1966 par Wallace K. Harrison; on y attend une apparition de Jacky Kennedy ou de Audrey Hepburn...

Le public est d'ailleurs un peu d'époque et tout aussi indiscipliné que celui de Paris... Pourtant Angel Corella aura fait le show dans d'incroyables manèges et improbables pirouettes. Un Carlos Acosta européen celui-là !

Encadré par une fougueuse Marisa Lopez et Paloma Herrera, cette version de Makarova offre au spectateur un fil narratif plus simple que la version Noureev de la Bayadère avec ce quatrième acte (troisième ?) apocalyptique. L'acte des Ombres est quasi identique à la version parisienne et a été parfaitement dansé par l'American Ballet. Quelle puissance architecturale, quelle magie et quel génie intemporel de cette rêverie opiacée !... Bon pour le reste, hormis un orchestre très bien emmené par David La Marche, on se dit que nous avons la chance de posséder à Paris une production aussi somptueuse que celle laissée par Ezio Frigerio, Franca Squarciapina et Noureev...

Quant à la Soirée Robbins, "All German and Some Tharp", le New York City Ballet fait le maximum dans l'autre salle pour tenir un public en alerte, mais on s'ennuie un peu...

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Inscrit le: 13 Nov 2004
Messages: 659

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 10, 2008 7:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Breaking news, qui est un petit pavé dans la mare du New York City Ballet : Alexeï Ratmansky va devenir Chorégraphe résident de l'American Ballet Theatre. Il avait refusé l'année dernière ce poste au NYCB, pour des questions de "timing", mais va désormais passer 20 semaines par an avec l'ABT.

L'article du New York Times : Bolshoi Ballet's Loss is American Ballet Theater's Gain

(merci à Ballet Talk pour l'information)

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Inscrit le: 03 Jan 2004
Messages: 22097

MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 11, 2008 6:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'annonce est déjà officialisée sur le site de l'ABT:


9/10/2008 - Alexei Ratmansky, artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet, will join American Ballet Theatre as Artist in Residence in January 2009. The appointment was announced today by ABT Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie.

Mr. Ratmansky, whose contract with the Bolshoi Ballet expires at the end of 2008, has signed a five-year agreement with American Ballet Theatre. In his capacity as Artist in Residence, he will create new works, re-stage existing ballets and work as an integral part of the artistic team at ABT. His first work for ABT, set to a score by Sergei Prokofiev, is scheduled for the Company’s 2009 Metropolitan Opera House season.

Mr. Ratmansky was born in St. Petersburg and trained at the Bolshoi Ballet School in Moscow. His performing career included positions as principal dancer with Ukrainian National Ballet, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and the Royal Danish Ballet. He has choreographed ballets for the Dutch National Ballet, Kirov Ballet, the Royal Danish Ballet, the Royal Swedish Ballet, New York City Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and the State Ballet of Georgia, under the artistic direction of ABT Principal Dancer Nina Ananiashvili. His 1998 work, Dreams of Japan, choreographed for Ms. Ananiashvili, earned a prestigious Golden Mask Award by the Theatre Union of Russia. In 2005, he was awarded the Benois de la Danse prize for his choreography of Anna Karenina for the Royal Danish Ballet.

Mr. Ratmansky was named artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet in January 2004. For the Bolshoi Ballet, he choreographed full-length productions of The Bright Stream (2003) and The Bolt (2005) and re-staged Le Corsaire (2007) and the Soviet-era Flames of Paris (2008). Under Mr. Ratmansky’s direction, the Bolshoi Ballet was named “Best Foreign Company” in 2005 and 2007 by The Critics’ Circle in London, and he received a Critics’ Circle National Dance Award for The Bright Stream in 2006. In 2007, he won a Golden Mask Award for Best Choreographer for his production of Jeu de Cartes for the Bolshoi Ballet.

“I am delighted to have Alexei as part of ABT,” said Mr. McKenzie. “It will be extraordinary to have such an incredibly creative artist working with our dancers on a regular basis. During the 1940’s and ’50’s, Ballet Theatre was home to a stable of choreographers that worked regularly with the Company. As a result, many great works were created. I’m confident that having Alexei ‘in-house’ will result in the creation of wonderful new works that are unique to American Ballet Theatre.”

“It will be wonderful to work with Kevin McKenzie and the brilliant dancers of American Ballet Theatre,” said Mr. Ratmansky. “I am also looking forward to focusing exclusively on my creative work, without the administrative responsibility of being an artistic director, and to a complete change of environment.”

In addition to his work for American Ballet Theatre as Artist in Residence, Mr. Ratmansky will continue to choreograph for companies around the world.

Source: http://www.abt.org/

Toujours à propos de l'ABT, Roberto Bolle figure maintenant à l'effectif de la compagnie en tant que "danseur principal".

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